Are you looking to further enhance your personal or business performance? Try our Compass Indicators to find out your score. Use these resources to improve your business!

4 Compass Indicators

The compass indicators are people performance tools that provide new behavioural insight for businesses, teams and individuals looking to improve their performance.
Leap With Risk
What is your natural appetite for risk? The ‘risk’ indicator enables you and your team/business to make faster, more aligned strategic decisions, allowing your management team to outperform the competition.
Connect With TFK
What’s your natural communication style? The Think, Feel, Know (TFK) indicator describes how your personal communication style relates to others, enabling you to communicate more effectively with your team & everyone you meet.
Lead With ELM
What’s your natural leadership style? The Entrepreneur, Leader, Manager (ELM) indicator describes how your leadership style supports your current role, where you fit within your team and organisation, and how you could develop your future role.
Perform With Pace
What’s your natural pace in life? The ‘pace’ indicator identifies your most productive pace of living and working, allowing you to improve your overall sustainability and performance.